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  • dana.leizaro

First user testing

Today, two of us took a ride on buses in order to do user testing and to see how people react to Dapi. The first prototype had no technology because we just wanted to check if and how people react to the presence of Dapi.

We took bus line 89 and made an observation. We observed at every person that got up the bus and checked if he said hello or thank you to the driver, or even started a conversation with him. It was very sad to see that most of the people didn't say even "hello". Most of them are focused on their smartphones or listening t

o music, so they don't even care about what happens in their environment.

Then, we took the same bus line, just to the opposite direction. We put Dapi near the payment position, so it will attract people's gaze.

In this ride, we saw more people saying "hello" and "thank you", but most of them didn't notice Dapi was there. Those who did notice, it didn't encourage them to bless the driver.

This bus also had dolls all around and when we asked the driver why he put them, he said they are for the moms that have children.

We have some conclusions from the user testing we did today. We understood that we have to make Dapi very prominent. We'll still have a lot of work to do :)

Here are some photos from today:

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